
"Work In Progress." It's a common term among knitters on the web. It's often asked in a rather cheeky fashion, "How many wip's do you have?" for we knitters are known to be irrestibly drawn to delicious new skiens before the old ones have been used for their creative intention.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Real Men Knit

Check this out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jYa_rJyG18

I remember when I was 8 and my mom taught me to knit... I was so excited... so proud! I made a scarf for my Barbie... then a blanket... then a little dress, cinched at the waist with an I-cord... oooo... I had the knitting bug!

And then I was amazed when my dad... my strong, manly man dad... told me he knew how to knit... all the boys my dad's age had to learn when they were going to school.

So, here's to you Dad! I raise my sticks!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Haha! Where can I get one of those?
love ya Jo,