
"Work In Progress." It's a common term among knitters on the web. It's often asked in a rather cheeky fashion, "How many wip's do you have?" for we knitters are known to be irrestibly drawn to delicious new skiens before the old ones have been used for their creative intention.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Drawn Deeper

One year ago my grandmother died suddenly.
My inspiration. My encourager. My teacher.
She had been excited about having another great-grandchild and she wished that this little one would be born on her birthday. To lose her so suddenly and not be able to attend the funeral was extremely difficult for me. I had to hold onto the faith that she had taught me, and sing my way through the hard times, another thing she taught me.

Home by and by, when our journey is o'er
There we shall meet on that bright and happy shore
Safe with my Saviour, in His arms forever more
Glory to God! I'll be home by and by

This was one of her favourite songs to sing, a hymn from the tiny Salvation Army church in Newfoundland that she attended for years and years. I can hear her now, as if I were standing beside her... a strong alto, singing with great conviction. Oh how she longed for heaven, especially after Pop had already gone to be with Jesus! The night before she died, she had a dream that Pop had come to lie beside her in bed, and wrapped his arms around her. The next day, she was wrapped in her Saviour's arms and reunited with her life-long love.

Some days I find myself reaching for the phone because it feels strange to have not talked to her for so long... and then I remember. I think that is part of what has drawn me deeper into knitting... it's my connection to her. It's how I feel close to her.

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