
"Work In Progress." It's a common term among knitters on the web. It's often asked in a rather cheeky fashion, "How many wip's do you have?" for we knitters are known to be irrestibly drawn to delicious new skiens before the old ones have been used for their creative intention.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Paging Sparkles, the Tooth Fairy

Yay!!!! Party time in the house! Mark got the job! Woo hoo! (I told you Mr. Employer that it would be worth it!!)
Good bye traffic jams... crummy commute! He's close enough to come home for lunch if he wants to! Thank you God!

btw...making good progress on sock 2, just turned the heel... I always feel like it goes quickly after that. Sock 1 is really nice... I love the pattern. It's a dream to knit - just 2 pattern rows, one of which is soooo fast, the round just flies! I totally recommend this pattern! A pretty pattern, good intro to lace-ish type socks... I'm hooked. Hannah's were variegated, but with one colour, the beauty of the stitches totally shines. I was bummed to find a wee mistake... is it really a mistake or just untidy stitching?? Hmmm... does it bother me enough to rip it out? No... but seeing as they are destined to be a gift for someone, I'll just have to make another pair for them after these are done (and I do Mark's socks, and then this....)

It's my summer project planned for Dorcas camp. More about that on another day...

It was a big day around here... Jordan lost one of his top front teeth... the one beside is ready to come out any day as well...gotta love a kid in the summer with front teeth gone! I'm trying hard not to giggle at the whistle when he speaks... he's finding it weird (and not as cute as I think it is...) He's sporting his new shirt, feeling goofy about the gap in his teeth and raring to pose... I think he totally looks like his daddy... (not necessarily the toothless goofy part...)

Ok, this one's a little more normal... He's all set for Sparkles the Tooth Fairy to come tonight.

Also captured this photo... they have the same expression... way too cute...

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