
"Work In Progress." It's a common term among knitters on the web. It's often asked in a rather cheeky fashion, "How many wip's do you have?" for we knitters are known to be irrestibly drawn to delicious new skiens before the old ones have been used for their creative intention.

Friday, December 1, 2006

My arrow WIPs

Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man
whose quiver is full of them. Psalm 127:4,5

Two sons and a daughter. Blessings from God that He has given to me that I might train them up to know Him... to follow Him... to love Him.

That's a tall order... and that's why as a mom, I'm a Work In Progress. Most days are good days, and I lay my head down at night with peace... but there are days (said with the gritting of teeth) when my children do not rise up and call me "blessed" (see prov. 31) and neither are "the words of wisdom and faithful instruction" (vs 26) on my tongue.

And that's why I'm so thankful for God's mercy. Each day is new, and I can walk in that knowledge every morning.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

sooo cute! i can't wait to visit you guys again, keep up the great postin.
