
"Work In Progress." It's a common term among knitters on the web. It's often asked in a rather cheeky fashion, "How many wip's do you have?" for we knitters are known to be irrestibly drawn to delicious new skiens before the old ones have been used for their creative intention.

Friday, May 25, 2007


HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe how long it's been... I'm so so sorry, my poor neglected blog. Wow... when BoozerBabes asked me to start blogging for her, I loved the idea, but I 've gotta figure out a way to not be so neglectful.... but that's not to say that I haven't been knitting! Woo-hoo!!!

Ok, enough with the chitchat... I just got home from seeing the YarnHarlot... live... in person... travelling sock and all! It was one of the most wonderful nights of my life! Does that seem strange? I don't care if it does... I was overwhelmed completely, and felt this outpouring of joy to be surrounded by so many like-minded people. We arrived later than planned (figuring out TTC when you're non-Torontonian & toting a nursing baby, Hannah, and a slow-walking MD hubby... but that's another story...) and I stood on the balcony with Mr. Babeez while Daddy took Hannah shopping for books. The view was not great... but we could still hear and the vibes were flowing all the way to the balcony. It was soooo cool. There was a prego mama from Kingston sitting on the steps beside me... a couple of young ladies in front of me... a beautiful smiley woman who kept playing peek-a-boo with you-know-who... two Italian mama mia's behind me who asked me why I liked knitting socks, and I got to tell them it was all about my Nan. And you know, I felt so... so... so... full. Does that make sense? My heart was full.

I'll write more about on the weekend, I promise... I just had to put to words this glorious feeling I have inside right now, before the day comes to an end.

I can't wait to show you pictures, and tell you about meeting Swatchy.


1 comment:

Amanda said...

i get so happy when you announce my nickname to the world....