
"Work In Progress." It's a common term among knitters on the web. It's often asked in a rather cheeky fashion, "How many wip's do you have?" for we knitters are known to be irrestibly drawn to delicious new skiens before the old ones have been used for their creative intention.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Socks x 2

Ok... a few quickies before Jaden wakes up...

Tada! The spring socks (a la Grumperina) are done. Hannah loves them. Nearly destroyed them the first day she wore them... climbing the side of the crib to play with Jaden... The yarn got caught on the bottom latch and pulled about 4 inches out, but it didn't break... so I pulled it back in, bit by bit, evening out the stitches again. Phew!!! She felt so bad.

Little socks for Jaden... twisted cable pattern. Love it. here's a wee photo of one of the tidiest heels I've ever done. Woohoo! (don't know why I don't have a pic of the whole sock... hmm... Note to self: take pic when they come out of the laundry.) Funny thing about the close-up... I see my grandmother's hands. Weird.

Mr. Funny Face and I are having a blast hanging out this week. I think he should be in a Calvin & Hobbes cartoon... you know, it's time for his Dad to take a picture, and every time, Calvin makes a goofy face...

Gotta run! Someone is waking up!!


130sbyThirty said...

what a beautiful little guy! he looks like great fun!

Amanda said...

oh man - he's so adorable. i'm tellin' ya man, he's baby contest material.