
"Work In Progress." It's a common term among knitters on the web. It's often asked in a rather cheeky fashion, "How many wip's do you have?" for we knitters are known to be irrestibly drawn to delicious new skiens before the old ones have been used for their creative intention.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Capital "K"

Last night as I was falling asleep, I decided something...

I am a Knitter. With a capital K.

I am not just someone who knits. It has become part of who I am. It defines a part of me.

Last night, I felt myself crossing over... I received some wonderful books from my wonderful hubby for Christmas, two of which were by the Yarn Harlot herself, Stephanie Pearle-McPhee. In Knitting Rules! she explains some of the math behind knitting... in an extremely humourous, laugh-out-loud, pee-your-pants kind of way.

I understand sock construction!! I could knit a pair of socks without a pattern now! (I have yet to actually try, but I'll keep you posted on that!)

My whole life, I've watched my Nan knit... rarely with a pattern. She tried to explain how to "eye" things, how it would feel or fit just right, but I never got it. Last night though, I had a light bulb moment. I understand now how Nan never needed a pattern to know how to turn a heel or shape the toe.

I am no longer bound to the pattern, following line by line, counting exactly where I am! I have crossed over!

I AM A Knitter!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Whoo-hoo!! Partay!
Now, all I have to do is figure out how to actually follow a pattern...Yes, quite a novice knitter here...Only on my second project!
But Jo? Wow, she's great. I'm still smiling at my mp3player cozy, taking it where ever I go, and showing it off to all my friends!
Love ya,